[Development] Fornux C++ Superset

Phil Bouchard philippeb8 at gmail.com
Sun May 13 23:26:45 CEST 2018

On 04/26/2018 12:35 AM, Phil Bouchard wrote:
> On 04/25/2018 12:36 PM, Edward Welbourne wrote:
>>> memory leaks are the most difficult problems to solve.
>> Well, no, they're not.
>> I've fixed *lots and lots* of memory leaks.
>> Some of them were a little tricky: most were trivial.
>> I can *see* memory leaks just by reading code.
>> It's one of the reasons code review makes memory leaks rare.
>> That and nice sensible disciplines like RAII.
>> Use-after-free is usually harder to solve than a leak.
>> Deadlocks are almost always harder to solve.
> You're right:
> 1) Deadlocks are much more difficult to find
> 2) Then comes the use-after-free but they can be easily detected by 
> throwing an exception with root_ptr
> 3) Then we have the memory leaks...

I made a mistake here: use-after-free problems are actually easily 
solved by FCXXSS because it discards all explicit calls to "delete" and 
implicitly use them where they belong. So it's impossible to face that 

In fact I have prepared a summary of our discussion and you can see the 
execution of my previous example in real-time here:


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