[Development] Code contributions via bug reports and forum posts

Tuukka Turunen tuukka.turunen at qt.io
Wed May 16 11:20:45 CEST 2018


Contribution of source code is now allowed via Qt systems such as bug reports and forums. Traditionally all source code contributions to the Qt Project are governed via Contribution License Agreement (CLA), except possibility given to the commercial license holders to provide bug fixes and similar small modifications that The Qt Company has pushed into Qt. We have now updated the Qt Account service terms to more clearly state that source code can be contributed via the Qt systems. The preferred way to contribute source code to the Qt Project is still via the CLA, according to the contribution guidelines. But sometimes a user who has not accepted the CLA has a patch that would, for example, fix a bug in Qt. Providing such a patch is now also possible via the Qt systems, for example via the bug reports or forum posts.

Please check a blog post for more information: http://blog.qt.io/blog/2018/05/16/code-contributions-via-bug-reports-forum-posts/

Note that any existing source code in the systems is not covered, only items pushed from now on.



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