[Development] QUIP 12: Code of Conduct

Oliver Wolff Oliver.Wolff at qt.io
Fri Oct 26 10:14:15 CEST 2018

On 26/10/2018 09:18, Ulf Hermann wrote:
> On 10/26/18 9:05 AM, Oliver Wolff wrote:
>> +1 from here as well. I also think that the proposed document (and
>> especially the "enforcement" part) is way too long
> The KDE CoC [1] does not specify any action to be taken when it's
> violated. That's the main reason why it seems shorter. If you only
> consider the equivalent sections in our proposed CoC, the KDE one is
> actually much longer. That said, I wouldn't mind replacing the "Our
> Pledge" and "Our Standards" paragraphs in the current proposal with the
> KDE CoC if that helps with acceptance here.
> But, how does this actually work in practice at KDE? Is there another
> document that states what they do if someone oversteps the boundaries?
> There isn't even a contact email in their CoC. So, if someone was
> slapping me around with a large fish in the KDE IRC channel, I still
> wouldn't know what to do about it.
I think it depends on the CoC's main purpose (which we are currently 
defining). I'd see it as a behavioral guideline which states how to 
interact with other people. It might basically say that we treat each 
other with respect and are not assholes (pardon the french). If a 
(potential) contributor reads these, he will get the idea and know, what 
collaboration in the project will (ideally) be like.

By filling that guideline with technicalities and punishments we take 
away that positive vibe and create a more threatening atmosphere. 
Additionally it lengthens the core document (unnessecarily in my eyes). 
Enforcement and punishments are mere technicalities which can be 
"hidden" in another document. The code of conduct should describe the 
generic ways of working together for every day, while the additional 
document of punishment will only be used rarely and thus can be "hidden" 
a bit. I still think and hope that there will not be too many cases 
where the CoC police will have to intervene.

Just my 2 cents,

> Ulf
> [1] https://www.kde.org/code-of-conduct/
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