[Development] Deprecation/removal model going into Qt 6

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Sun Jun 2 16:44:58 CEST 2019

02.06.2019, 17:30, "Jean-Michaël Celerier" <jeanmichael.celerier at gmail.com>:
>>  If existing package of application cannot be rebuilt from source with updated
> Qt version, it's a sure no-go for distibution. Either Qt update will be blocked, or
> application will be thrown away (or application will be somehow patched by other
> people, without you even knowing about that)
> - People nowadays will just use the flatpak / appimage / snap / whatever version which will be much more up-to date than Debian Stable's Qt 5.7 (!) or Ubuntu LTS & CentOS 's Qt 5.9 anyways.

If you don't want your application to be packaged by distributions, it's your choice (there are people who do)

> - boost has the exact same ABI stability issue (e.g. no ABI / API stability guarantees at all) and yet distros seem to manage all the C++ software which uses it without much problems.

This is solved by providing side by side installations of boost. However, with Qt it won't work easily, as there are lots of libraries which use Qt types in their API


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