[Development] QtLocation / QtPositioning and Web Assembly

Sebastian Kügler sebas at kde.org
Thu Feb 20 09:36:42 CET 2020

On donderdag 20 februari 2020 03:01:19 CET Lorn Potter wrote:
> On 19/2/20 6:49 PM, Sebastian Kügler wrote:
> > I'd like to create an application using the MapView QtQuick plugin and
> > deploy that application using the Web Assembly platform. It seems,
> > though, that the QtPositioning and QtLocation modules are not (yet?)
> > available for WASM.
> > 
> > - Did anybody already get it to work?
> Most likely not yet.
> > - Is this planned by anybody?
> It has been in the back of my mind for some time now, but I just created
> a JIRA task if you want to comment, or vote for it.
> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-82358
> > - What would be the steps / likely time investment, etc. to be able to use
> > these modules in a WASM-deployed application?
> The hard part would be implementing the positioning backend using
> javascript API, which is quite limited in comparison to other sources.
> It lacks satellite info for one. So at least it would not take all that
> much work to get basic functionality. On par for the serialnmea plugin.

Thanks Lorn, we'll digest your info. :)

Are there any example how the positioning backend JS API would be implemented?

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