[Development] A modest proposal: disable lower-case keywords (emit, foreach, forever, signals, slots) by default

Oswald Buddenhagen oswald.buddenhagen at gmx.de
Fri Feb 21 14:11:44 CET 2020

On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 12:49:02PM +0100, Julien Cugnière wrote:
>For example, a normal function call could end up emiting a signal, and
>as such, any function could be as dangerous as a signal.
indeed, the recursivity of the issue utterly destroys the "safety" 

however, i still like annotating the "emissions" themselves, simply to 
make it obvious that this is only a "notification" and as such not 
expected to directly affect the current scope (yes, i know that signals 
are sometimes abused for implementing callbacks - shame on them). kinda 
the opposite of the safety argument, really.

>The other problem with emit, is that it's not required. So its absence
>doesn't mean a signal is not being emitted.
that can be enforced with tooling, though.

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