[Development] moc output from non-local tool build

Marius Kittler mkittler at suse.de
Mon Nov 15 17:41:30 CET 2021

Am Montag, 15. November 2021, 16:46:31 CET schrieben Sie:
> On Monday, 15 November 2021 05:52:46 PST Joerg Bornemann wrote:
> > There's already a target called host_tools to build the necessary tools.
> > An install target/component for it is missing though, see QTBUG-91243.
> Which tools does it build and which libraries does that need?

I suppose it needed to build *all* tools which might be called at some point 
during compilation including tools provided by further repositories like 
qttools and qtshadertools because this is not for bootstrapping-only but for 
having all the tools available Qt consists of when cross-compiling. That means 
likely also building all Qt the libraries these tools depend on (e.g. Qt Core, 
Gui and ShaderTools libraries for `qsb`). So in the end the build wouldn't be 
*that* minimal but it would still be better than having to build everything.

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