[Development] Nominating Jonas Karlsson as maintainer for Qt Quick 3D Physics (and consequently for approver status)

Edward Welbourne edward.welbourne at qt.io
Thu May 12 11:52:41 CEST 2022

Paul Tvete (12 May 2022 10:12) wrote (inter alia):
> According to my interpretation of QUIP 2, this implies approver
> status, but to be on the safe side, I also explicitly nominate him as
> approver.

For reference, the relevant wording in [QUIP 2]

  Becoming Maintainer of anything in a main module of Qt implies
  becoming Approver throughout Qt, if one is not so yet.

[QUIP 2] http://quips-qt-io.herokuapp.com/quip-0002.html#how-to-become-a-maintainer

I believe it's fair to say Qt Quick 3D is a "main module of Qt" and that
the new Physics engine is "in" it.

So I concur with Paul's interpretation,


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