[Development] QtFluentMQ

Ville Voutilainen ville.voutilainen at gmail.com
Wed Aug 30 19:53:58 CEST 2023

On Tue, 29 Aug 2023 at 13:28, Volker Hilsheimer via Development
<development at qt-project.org> wrote:
> +1 in general.

Likewise, +1 in general.

My additional two cents: I have participated in Qt-using projects that
did communications between vehicles and a back-end
using AMQP, and used AMQP between back-end microservices. At certain
scales and transactional data integrity requirements a message queue
facility becomes pretty much a must-have, so having well-integrated Qt
support for various message queue solutions seems
like a fantastic addition.

As far as the commercial aspects go.. ..I can't instantly come up with
customers who would be guaranteed to use such a facility
in their projects, but I would be in no way surprised if they end up
being easy to find. The industries that we serve are quite likely
to have technical needs for message queue solutions.

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