[Development] Resurrecting QtGamepad

Oswald Buddenhagen oswald.buddenhagen at gmx.de
Wed Nov 1 10:40:03 CET 2023

On Tue, Oct 31, 2023 at 10:33:27PM +0100, Arno Rehn wrote:
>On 24.10.23 21:12, Arno Rehn wrote:
>> On 22.10.23 20:57, Andy Nichols wrote:
>>> Ideally if QtGamepad is reintroduced in Qt6 it would be with some 
>>> flavor of these changes rather than just being a strait port form Qt 5.
>> Agreed. Maybe I'll just push my port to github then, renamed as 
>> qtgamepad-legacy or so.
>Pushed it here: https://github.com/pumphaus/qtgamepadlegacy
>Renamed the whole thing to QtGamepadLegacy, so there should be no 
>compatibility issues with the "actual" QtGamepad when it is released.
from a qt project policy pov, nothing speaks against pushing it to the 
main repo as 6.x-legacy-api or some such. this would give it broader 
exposure, and it could get a proper review on gerrit.

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