[Development] Nominating Jaishree Vyas as approver

Alexey Edelev alexey.edelev at qt.io
Wed Nov 8 10:04:23 CET 2023


Jaishree is reviewing documentation for QtGrpc and QtProtobuf modules and I'm happy to give mine +1 here.


Alexey Edelev

Software Engineer

Qt Group
Erich-Thilo-Str. 10 12489
Berlin, Germany

alexey.edelev at qt.io


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From: Development <development-bounces at qt-project.org> on behalf of Paul Wicking via Development <development at qt-project.org>
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2023 10:00 AM
To: development at qt-project.org <development at qt-project.org>
Subject: [Development] Nominating Jaishree Vyas as approver

Hi everyone,

I would like to nominate Jaishree Vyas for approver rights in the Qt project.

Jai has joined TQtC as a Documentation Engineer back in February 2022. Since then, she's been actively making and reviewing changes. I fully trust Jai's judgment in reviewing and approving changes, and see her as a positive addition to the Qt Project.

Her authored changes are here: https://codereview.qt-project.org/q/owner:jaishree.vyas%40qt.io
As reviewer: https://codereview.qt-project.org/q/reviewer:jaishree.vyas%2540qt.io

//! Paul

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