[Development] Proposing new Qt Creator module: Qt Creator Solutions

apoenitz apoenitz at t-online.de
Thu Nov 30 23:00:11 CET 2023

On Thu, Nov 30, 2023 at 07:41:06PM +0000, Fabian Kosmale wrote:
> Hi,
> I agree that it would be nice to properly separate Solutions (to enforce their
> reusability, and to make it easier to include the module into other projects).
> I'm also convinced that Jarek would do a good job as the maintainer of the
> module.
> I have however two questions:
> 1. How this will affect packaging/releasing of QtCreator?

In the current setup that's not affecting nor meant to be affecting anything
like that at all, i.e. the main difference between libs/solution/tasktree and,
say, src/plugins/git is that the former does not depend on anything outside Qt
proper whereas the latter can and does depend on other items in Creator's
src/plugins/* and other src/libs/* bits that cannot so eaily be split off in
self-contained pieces. 

Once one libs/solution/* is considered reasonably complete and stable API-wise
there may be a suggestion to move it over to Qt. Or not. (I don't think we need
a QFakeVim in the end but I'd probably make that one of the "Solutions" at some
time nevertheless.)

> 2. Will the release cycle of the modle be coupled to Creator's release cycle?

At least for now: As long as it's not upstreamed, yes.

[The interesting granularity here would actually be individual solutions, i.e.
currently "TaskTree", "Terminal", and "Spinner". I currently think that we
shouldn't overengineer this by, say, having "Sub-component" maintainers, but
given that the "Solutions" are by definition independent of each other _maybe_
that's the way to go mid-term. The current proposal is basically to start with
minimal bureacratic and maintenance overhead and see how far we get with that.]


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