[Development] Stepping down as a maintainer of Qt OPC UA

Frank Meerkötter frank.meerkoetter at basyskom.com
Tue Apr 23 13:16:49 CEST 2024

Hi qt-devel,

I am going to step down as the maintainer of Qt OPC UA. I have not been 
very active recently.

I would like to nominate Jannis Völker <jannis.voelker at basyskom.com> as 
the new maintainer.


Jannis is the most active contributor to the module. He also has been 
the de-facto maintainer of Qt OPC UA for a while now. He is an active 
contributor to the open62541-stack (which is used internally in Qt OPC UA).


Frank Meerkötter
Development Lead

basysKom GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7 | 64293 Darmstadt | Germany
Tel: +49 6151 870 589 - 161 | Fax: -199
frank.meerkoetter at basyskom.com | www.basyskom.com

Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 9352
Geschaeftsfuehrende Partner: Heike Ziegler, Alexander Sorg

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