[Development] Let's drop MSVC 2019 for dev (6.8)

Allan Sandfeld Jensen kde at carewolf.com
Mon Feb 5 10:44:29 CET 2024

On Saturday, 3 February 2024 18:08:25 CET Thiago Macieira wrote:
> The compiler is pretty buggy and has several, unfixed conformance issues
> with C++.
> One year ago I asked on the interest mailing list about using a non-latest
> https://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/interest/2023-January/038859.html
> The reasons reported for not going to the next were:
> * regression in a newer version that MS hadn't fixed
> * cost: they may have bought version X but not Y (yet)
> * cost: re-certifying the entire tool environment
> * because the associated tools (IDE) have other problems (UX)
> * inertia
> * because our builds are labelled "msvc2019"
> My conclusion then was that we could drop the older one, but our policy
> should be to support an X-1 version of MSVC for as long as practicable, a
> minimum of a few years. Well, in April this year, MSVC 2019 will be 5 years
> old, though fortunately it's still getting updates. Considering MSVC 2022
> will be 3.5 at that time, I think it's time to drop.

I was trying to drop support for it in qtwebengine in 6.7, but the problem was 
it was still used for qt packaging. But if we could at least switch packing to 
vs2022, it would mean we could drop it in QWE.

Best regards

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