[Development] QAudio/QtAudio in Qt v6.7.0/6.7.1

Phil Thompson phil at riverbankcomputing.com
Mon Jun 3 09:08:11 CEST 2024

In my code I call QAudio::convertVolume() (yet to migrate to the QtAudio 
namespace).  This compiles fine against Qt v6.7.0 and v6.7.1 (from the 
online installers). However...

Compiled against v6.7.0 the compiler generates a call to 
QtAudio::convertVolume(). The library contains symbols for both 
QAudio::convertVolume() and QtAudio::convertVolume().

Compiled against v6.7.1 the compiler generates a call to 
QAudio::convertVolume(). The library only contains a symbol for 

The result is that code compiled against v6.7.0 will not work with 


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