[Interest] problem saving QPixMap : base64 conversion

sarvesh saran aquarian.thunder at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 03:01:20 CET 2011

Hi All,

I get some base64 data from a server , it is also Url encoded (not sure
about this). I want to convert it to a QPixMap and save the image to the

     //input is QString content. I have no iformation about the content
except that it is base64 encoded and its a PNG

    QByteArray orig = content.toAscii(); //convert to byte array

    QString decoded = QUrl::fromPercentEncoding(orig); //Do URL
decoding..if we skip this then map->loadFromData() fails below.

    QByteArray arr = QByteArray::fromBase64(decoded.toAscii()); //
convert it back to a byteArray and decode..?

     QPixmap *map = new QPixmap;

    bool res = map->loadFromData(arr,type.toAscii()); //it succeeds,
here type.toAscii returns "PNG"


         bool sv =

    } else{

        qDebug()<<"Error creating pixmap";


The conversion map->loadFromData() succeeds (returns true) but
map->save always returns false!

Any pointers would help!

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