[Interest] Qt Contributors Day in SF starts here

Charley Bay charleyb123 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 22:18:54 CET 2011

> Quim spaketh:
> > Wiki page finally available at
> > http://wiki.qt-project.org/Qt_Contributors_Day
> >
> > Please sign up at
> > http://wiki.qt-project.org/Qt_Contributors_Day#Participants if you are
> > planning to attend.
> We have 21 people listed (good!) but somehow it feels that there should
> be more. <snip>,

> The same goes for the sessions proposed. I was expecting more people to

jump in, taking slots from the agenda - without me hunting them.
> Again, if the problem is simply wiki editing then just send me the info
> and I will post it. If there are more problems then let's just discuss
> them.

 I added a section for questions-to-be-answered, which we could later
"group" into topics that may be given dedicated time.  I assume people
*may* have questions or things they want addressed, even if the "answers"
may not merit a full "topic" with dedicated time.  For example, I expect
some questions could probably be answered "discretely", perhaps even with a
discrete "there is no answer".

There are only a few slots, so possibly people are "being polite" in not
taking slots available.  Perhaps we shall soon see more "aggressive"
behavior.  ;-))

A topic about which I am personally curious and which has gotten some
attention on the email lists in the last year is
"build-and-packaging/deployment".  I could talk about personal wishes and
personal work (no project is hosted anywhere related to this), but I count
three attendees from Kitware, and I'm uncertain on the current Trolls/Nokia
"research efforts" on this front (beyond what is publicly available through
QtCreator, seems like they have been pretty quiet on this topic on the
email lists for the last year), so I'm unsure as to how I might judge
interest (I'd prefer to listen to Kitware and/or Trolls/Nokia to talk on
this topic, unless there is no current activity/plans, at which point I
have many opinions that I would share).  ;-))

At a minimum, I'll do the "5-min-one-slide Heads Up" thing.  Perhaps some
"Hey, this is what I was thinking about ... ?" on one-or-more email threads
would help?  Or, short abstracts on the page?

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