[Interest] Video Player Example

Szalata, Zenon M. zms at slac.stanford.edu
Fri Apr 6 01:58:36 CEST 2012

I am learning how to create an application to display gray scale byte data from a digital camera.  The data is one dimensional array of unsigned char pixel values such that a value of 0 is black and 255 is white.  I also know the dimensions of the camera CCD device, NX by NY pixels, so I know how to interpret the data array.

Looking at  the QT Video Player example,  I think I should be able to use QMovie, QAbstractVideoSurface, QByteArray, QVideoFrame classes to put together such an application.  I see that QVideoFrame::Format_Y8 might represent the format of my data..

What I am stumped by is how to tell one of these classes (probably QMovie) that the pixel data in QByteArray is organized in NY lines of NX pixels in each line.

I hope someone will answer these questions:

Given the nature of the data is the approach following the video player example the right way to go?
How do I inform the "video" classes that the QByteArray represents a 2D image of fixed dimensions?

Any help and suggestion are greatly appreciated,
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