[Interest] What about C++ in Qt 5?

程梁 chengliang.soft at gmail.com
Wed Apr 11 04:03:23 CEST 2012

I have read this article:


, there I found a word:

"C++ would then typically only be used to implement plugin libraries
that extend the capabilities of the Qt Quick runtime."

Does it mean we should move our C++ code to Qt Quick sooner or later?
I remembered someday they said that C++ and JavaScript will be parallel
but now what I thought is they have discarded C++ for application

I've no idea if the idea of this article is Nokia's, but I think we should
make it clear.
Which language should we use for our application's next version?

Cheng Liang <http://about.me/devbean>
Nanjing, China
from: devbean at devbean.info
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