[Interest] What about C++ in Qt 5?

Bo Thorsen bo at fioniasoftware.dk
Wed Apr 11 08:04:27 CEST 2012

Den 11-04-2012 04:03, 程梁 skrev:
> I have read this article:
> http://arstechnica.com/business/news/2012/04/an-in-depth-look-at-qt-5-making-javascript-a-first-class-citizen-for-native-cross-platform-developme.ars
> , there I found a word:
> "C++ would then typically only be used to implement plugin libraries
> that extend the capabilities of the Qt Quick runtime."
> Does it mean we should move our C++ code to Qt Quick sooner or later?
> I remembered someday they said that C++ and JavaScript will be parallel
> developed,
> but now what I thought is they have discarded C++ for application
> developers.
> I've no idea if the idea of this article is Nokia's, but I think we
> should make it clear.
> Which language should we use for our application's next version?

You can use the one you prefer. The Ars Technica article overstates the 

You can still do full C++ widget based applications with Qt 5. But you 
also have the option to do QML applications. Your choice. But the point 
for you right now is that you don't have to rewrite an existing application.

Bo Thorsen,
Fionia Software.


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