[Interest] Standard QKeySequence for "Fullscreen" (was: Contributor agreement rundown)

Rick Stockton rickstockton at reno-computerhelp.com
Fri Apr 20 18:30:03 CEST 2012

On 04/20/2012 02:33 AM, Till Oliver Knoll wrote:

<< short Snip >>
> .... a standard key sequence for "Fullscreen" is still missing.
>    Apple says "Control+Command+F":
>    http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/userexperience/conceptual/applehiguidelines/KeyboardShortcuts/KeyboardShortcuts.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002725-SW2
>    Microsoft says "F11 or Alt+Enter":
>    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb545461.aspx
>    KDE says "F11 or Ctrl+Shift+F":
>    http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Usability/HIG/Keyboard_Shortcuts
>    Gnome says "Ctrl+F11":
>    http://developer.gnome.org/hig-book/3.0/input-keyboard.html.en#standard-shortcuts
> I don't know whether this is already taken care of, but - where
> applicable - the standard keys should also consider user settings
> which might have changed these standard keys, for example to be
> evaluated upon application initialisation. The "premium solution"
> would get notified of user setting changes and change the shortcuts at
> runtime :)
Too difficult for me. And that would be a lot of new API, as well. I 
won't be going there, sorry.

> Unfortunatelly I don't have the time resources (and currently my
> harddisk is overloaded with photos and videos, too - sorry ;)) to
> implement and contribute such an extension for Qt 5 (and maybe
> downbranch it to 4.8.x, too). Having a "static" shortcut (ignoring the
> user settings) for "Fullscreen" - as proposed by the guides above -
> would already be a start and such a solution would certainly get my
> vote :)
I won't be inclined to "enhance" 4.8.x. (In my thinking, this is not a 
bugfix.) But it looks really easy to add the 4 'platform standard' 
shortcuts as new QKeySequence and QShortcut instances. QWindow already 
provides the signal-receiving Slot. I'm not comfortable with adding F11 
to the valid QKeySequence instances for Gnome, because they avoided it; 
and I'm even LESS comfortable with adding a two-fingered, F11-based 
QKeySequence to the Apple/Cocoa platform, because Apple has reserved F11 
for their own use.

This would not be an API change, but would create new documentation. 
Thiago, is this acceptable as a post-Beta change, or should it wait for 

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