[Interest] Qt and fixed width/pitch font

Karl Ruetz karl.ruetz at ruetzdogz.com
Wed Aug 1 18:40:59 CEST 2012

To get a truly fixed width/pitch font, you have to use a font that is 
designed to be such (monospaced), such as Courier, otherwise the results 
can look pretty nasty.


On 2012-08-01 09:55, Carl Schumann wrote:
> Hi,
> Qt community I am developing a spreadsheet like program.   As such I
> would like to have numeric values line up, i.e., units digit, etc. 
> form
> a column.   That would seem to require a fixed width/pitch font.   So 
> I
> tried QFont::setFixedPitch(true).   This did not result in a fixed 
> pitch
> font.   Any ideas how I should debug this failure or work around it
> please.   Thanks for any help.
> Sincerely,
> Carl Schumann
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