[Interest] Digia to acquire Qt from Nokia

Konstantin Tokarev annulen at yandex.ru
Thu Aug 16 09:52:45 CEST 2012

16.08.2012, 01:21, "Sascha Cunz" <sascha-ml at babbelbox.org>:
> On Wednesday, August 15, 2012 08:06:08 AM Atlant Schmidt wrote:
>>    Unfortunately, as has already been mentioned by several
>>    other folks, the fact that a given piece of software is
>>    licensed under the terms of the (L)GPL is a huge factor
>>    arguing against its use in several industries. The more-
>>    open licenses (BSD, MIT, etc.) are free from the large
>>    burdens that (L)GPL imposes for disclosure, upgrade-
>>    ability, extensive ongoing code analysis, and the like.
> Amusingly, you seem here to try to prove against your own initial statement:
> IF Nokia had relicensed Qt under a BSD, MIT, PD or any similar Do-What-The-
> Fuck-You-Want-To-License [1], THEN they would really have _destroyed_ the
> monetary value of Qt beyond repair.

That's not entirely true: while nobody would be interested in commercial license,
demand on training and certification would rise because of instant market


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