[Interest] QtSVG deprecated

Martin Holmes mholmes at uvic.ca
Tue Jan 10 17:44:10 CET 2012

Hi there,

I don't know whether it's because of the original icon set I chose 
(Nuvola), but my icons work just fine at different scales, even down to 
16x16. I've created many more icons based on the original Nuvola ones. I 
often go in and hand-edit the SVG to keep it simple, so I suspect I'm 
not using any features that aren't covered by SvgTiny. Even those I 
haven't edited (straight output from Inkscape) have worked fine.

For lots of programmers working on small projects without a resident 
artist, the current SVG support in QImage has been a huge blessing, 
giving us a lot of flexibility without the need to generate and 
distribute huge icon collections.


On 12-01-10 08:08 AM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 10.01.12 05:13:57, Martin Holmes wrote:
>> This all seems very disappointing to me. How would you actually use
>> webkit to provide SVG support to QImage?
>> When I moved to Qt (from Delphi), I was delighted to discover that
>> QImage supported SVG, because I'd been used to having to provide icon
>> sets in multiple resolutions just to enable users to change toolbar
>> sizes. SVG icons seemed a huge step forward, just as they do when you
>> discover that your desktop icons on Linux are SVG and are scalable.
> As far as I know every artist will tell you that this does not work, at
> least not without creating useless icons on smaller sizes. As Thiago
> said you'll probably find quite a lot of icons on your system that look
> differently in 16x16 or 8x8 than in the larger resolutions since they
> have more details in those larger scales (and the original SVG).
> You could of course simply create icons that scale down to 8x8 by
> leaving out details etc. but such icons often look pretty sad when
> scaled up.
> Andreas
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Martin Holmes
University of Victoria Humanities Computing and Media Centre
(mholmes at uvic.ca)

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