[Interest] QtSVG deprecated

Uwe Rathmann Uwe.Rathmann at tigertal.de
Wed Jan 11 09:59:31 CET 2012

On Tue, 10 Jan 2012 09:42:05 -0800, Chris Meyer wrote:

> I extracted this code from my source to convert SVG to QImage using
> QtWebKit. It's untested in this specific form, but should give you the
> idea.

Well this code requires a QGraphicsWebView and QGraphicsScene object - 
meaning even one more module, I don't need in my application.

This is my use case: we are building user interfaces that have to run on 
terminals with different physical resolutions. The user interfaces are 
full of images, to decorate the controls or to be touchable itself.

The scalability of SVG images + using QLayout classes saves us a lot of 
time as we don't need to #ifdef our layout code for the different devices.

I'm also not thrilled about having to introduce a complete Web Browser 
( even the time of cross compiling Qt gets doubled ) + QGV to embedded 
devices with limited resources.

But isn't this a problem of missing APIs and modularization of the 
QtWebKit module only ?

I wouldn't mind to use its SVG renderer ( as it seems to be the better 
one ), if it wouldn't have the requirement for all the other stuff, that 
has nothing to do with the simple SVG -> QPixmap functionality.

My 2 cents,


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