[Interest] Problem creating a dll that loads static Qt libraries (in mingw) -> final chapter
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Fri Jan 20 11:11:54 CET 2012
On 20.01.12 07:23:43, Till Oliver Knoll wrote:
> Am 20.01.2012 um 07:14 schrieb erick oliveira da silva <eosilva2000 at ig.com.br>:
> > Hi Till,
> >
> > ...
> > CONFIG += qt dll release
> Oops, not sure, but I think that's the bugger: can't remember right now the exact meaning of 'dll', but I think this refers to how *Qt* was built (and not how your code is to be build - that is controlled via the TEMPLATE variable) - I think this let's you choose which Qt version to link against, the static or the dynamic one (which off course must both be available, in the proper PATH etc.).
> So refer to the qmake docs again and try without 'dll' (followed by a 'make distclean' etc.).
Maybe you should do so before posting comments that you're not quite
sure of ;) The template only tells you wether to build an app or a
library (or a subdir), the CONFIG += dll or CONFIG += static tells qmake
wether you want a shared lib or a dll.
That being said, it might still be the cause of the problems, since not
all linkers might support linking a static library into a shared one
IIRC (Thiago please correct me if I'm talking nonsense here).
And even those that do will only take the symbols that the shared
library uses, so if you then link an app against the shared lib and
expect it to automatically get all Qt symbols from the shared lib that
won't work either.
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