[Interest] QLIneEdit Bug still valid ?

R. Reucher rene.reucher at batcom-it.net
Tue Jul 17 11:01:50 CEST 2012

On Tuesday 17 July 2012 08:53:21 Constantin Makshin wrote:
> So, after some thinking, I doubt one can easily make a reliable fix for
> this bug.
> But is it really so important/annoying? Validators are meant to check
> and fix user input because users are not very reliable in terms of
> input's correctness (there's relatively high chance of hitting a wrong
> key/button, for example), but the program always knows (or, at least,
> should know) the format of the data it expects. Considering this, IMHO
> it looks a bit strange to pass an arbitrary text to setText() in the
> hope the validator will fix it instead of explicitly
> specifying/preparing a correct string and passing it to that method.
> While it obviously is a bug, I'm not sure benefits of fixing it are
> worth the efforts needed to develop a good (= reliable, without breaking
> API and ABI compatibility) fix.
I mostly agree, but then at least the documentation should mention clearly 
that QValidator's set on QLineEdit's right now change this otherwise expected 
behavior (as long as no fix exists, that is).

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