[Interest] Why does Assistant link to debug dll's on windows

David Boosalis david.boosalis at gmail.com
Fri Jul 20 17:09:38 CEST 2012

In the process of packaging  Qt's Assistant application on Windows I found
that it linked to the debug libs of Qt (Gui,Core,Webkit, Network).  For my
development I installed Qt onto my Windows computer using the package
installer  for it.  I guess I will have to download the source code for Qt
and build Assistant in release mode.

Is this in fact true, that the prebuilt versions of Qt Assistant  for
Windows is built with  debug mode only?   And if that's the case why does
Assistant shipped this way, instead of having it built in release mode?   I
clearly do not want to double the DLL's in my Windows installer by having
to ship release and debug versions of all Qt libraries.

Any clarity or advise here much appreciated.

By the way I am using Qt 4.8.2

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