[Interest] Why does Assistant link to debug dll's on windows

Thiago Macieira thiago.macieira at intel.com
Fri Jul 20 18:22:46 CEST 2012

On sexta-feira, 20 de julho de 2012 08.09.38, David Boosalis wrote:
> In the process of packaging  Qt's Assistant application on Windows I found
> that it linked to the debug libs of Qt (Gui,Core,Webkit, Network).  For my
> development I installed Qt onto my Windows computer using the package
> installer  for it.  I guess I will have to download the source code for Qt
> and build Assistant in release mode.
> Is this in fact true, that the prebuilt versions of Qt Assistant  for
> Windows is built with  debug mode only?   And if that's the case why does
> Assistant shipped this way, instead of having it built in release mode?   I
> clearly do not want to double the DLL's in my Windows installer by having
> to ship release and debug versions of all Qt libraries.
> Any clarity or advise here much appreciated.

It's probably a mistake.
Thiago Macieira - thiago.macieira (AT) intel.com
  Software Architect - Intel Open Source Technology Center
     Intel Sweden AB - Registration Number: 556189-6027
     Knarrarnäsgatan 15, 164 40 Kista, Stockholm, Sweden
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