[Interest] Issue updating from kubuntu 10.04 to kubuntu 12.04 (pangolin)

Harri Pasanen harri at mpaja.com
Tue May 1 15:13:11 CEST 2012

On 05/01/2012 11:14 AM, jaume dominguez faus wrote:
> Thank you Constantin, Harri and Alexander. All of you had a bit of the
> solution for the problem.

No problem.  I just upgraded to Kubuntu 12.04 myself from 11.10, and so 
far no problems.

In fact developing with N9 got better: in 11.04 & 11.10 plugging in the 
USB in SDK mode on phone would hijack the network requiring network 
restart.   That is gone in 12.04, so testing and deploying to N9 just 
got a little bit smoother.


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