[Interest] Build webkit with QT for Embedded Linux!

Lata Agrawal lata.agrawal at enrouteinc.com
Mon May 21 18:10:42 CEST 2012

I have QT working but the browser QT app is not working on it. It doesn't
give any error on console also. But as you have said there is no specific
requirement on device aprat from installing the QT libs, then probably I
will do a fresh build with -webkit switch and try running browser app.


On 21 May 2012 10:17, Mandeep Sandhu <mandeepsandhu.chd at gmail.com> wrote:

> > BTW, on device, I just need to copy the QT libraries containing the
> QTwebkit
> > compiled libraries. Anything else I need to copy to device to get browser
> > working on device.
> You should have the 'install' tree on your target device which
> contains all the libs that you have asked Qt to build during
> 'configure'. And anyway if the browser app is running then you
> probably have all the required libs on the target. Do you see any
> error on the console? You can try loading a simple HTML page with some
> JS just narrow down the problem.
> HTH,
> -mandeep

*Lata Agrawal
En Route Media Pvt. Ltd.

*En Route are the winners of the E4M OOH Award for Innovative Creation of a
New Medium*
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