[Interest] [SOLVED] Compiling QT5
Stephan Kanthak
stylon at gmx.de
Wed Nov 14 00:02:09 CET 2012
in the meantime I solved the problem.
Although I didn't find out why it compiled just once (and for sure I
didn't change some qt.conf for it :-) ), I even better understood qmake
and found out that paths configured in qt/qtbase/bin/qt.conf were
responsible for qmake to read the wrong module mkspecs. I've no idea how
Prabindh from TI managed to compiled it this way as I don't see how qt5
can be configured correctly via --prefix, but without changing this qt.conf.
Some more details for those who bump into the same problem... In case
you want to install qt5 to /foo/usr simply set qt/qtbase/bin/qt.conf
also to it:
On 11/11/2012 04:37 PM, Stephan Kanthak wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to this list and also new to Qt5.
> I recently downloaded the beta1 and compiled it for an OMAP4 platform
> according to the following instructions: http://gpupowered.org/node/8
> (originally for the alpha) and http://www.slideshare.net/prabindh
> (except for some tiny patches, looks straightforward in my view). I
> strictly followed the instructions, compiled
> qtbase/qtjsbackend/qtdeclarative/qt3d/qtmultimedia and all seemed to
> work (TI OGLES2 examples, most QT examples, QML demos, Qt3D demos,
> etc.). More precisely, I configured qtbase with:
> export BUILD_PATH=/home/stylon/prj/build
> ./configure --prefix=$BUILD_PATH/usr -release -make libs -xplatform
> linux-arm-gnueabi-g++ -opengl es2 -confirm-license -opensource -no-xcb
> -no-wayland -force-pkg-config -make examples -make demos -verbose
> The rest was just cd <dir> && qmake && make && make install as mentioned
> on the pages above.
> I even wrote a small QML script myself to test animations and although I
> noticed some tearing and non-smooth animations, all was working fine in
> principle. Due to the little jerky animations I changed the hardcoded
> refreshRate for eglfs from 60 to 50 and tried to recompile, but
> recompilation already failed. I then tried to start from scratch on the
> instructions from prabindh and now I always get the following error
> message when compiling qtdeclarative:
> indy:qtdeclarative 2505> make
> cd src/ && ( test -f Makefile || /home/stylon/prj/qt/qtbase/bin/qmake
> /home/stylon/prj/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0-beta1/qtdeclarative/src/src.pro
> -o Makefile ) && make -f Makefile
> make[1]: Entering directory
> `/home/stylon/prj/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0-beta1/qtdeclarative/src'
> cd qml/ && ( test -f Makefile || /home/stylon/prj/qt/qtbase/bin/qmake
> /home/stylon/prj/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0-beta1/qtdeclarative/src/qml/qml.pro
> -o Makefile ) && make -f Makefile
> Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT_PRIVATE: v8
> make[1]: *** [sub-qml-make_first-ordered] Error 2
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/home/stylon/prj/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0-beta1/qtdeclarative/src'
> make: *** [sub-src-make_first] Error 2
> BTW, /home/stylon/prj/qt is a link to
> /home/stylon/prj/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.0.0-beta1.
> As you can see above, the install directory is
> /home/stylon/prj/build/usr and in
> /home/stylon/prj/build/usr/mkspecs/modules I do see qt_v8.pri, but
> strace'ing the call of qmake in the qtdeclarative/src/qml directory
> above shows that qmake instead looks at
> /home/stylon/prj/qt/qtbase/mkspecs/modules where only the qtbase
> configurations can be found. /home/stylon/prj/qt/build/usr is never
> being accessed at all.
> Any idea what I do wrong (now)? Any idea why compilation of qt5 worked
> once? I don't know anything about qmake, but overall it looks strange to
> me that qmake from qtbase/bin should be able to know the configuration
> of v8 from qtjsbackend at all the way I configured it now, but I can't
> see how to configure it differently.
> Anybody else seeing the same error? At least I found it twice on the web
> via Google, but without mentioning any solution.
> Thanks & best,
> Stephan
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