[Interest] unable to cross-compile my Qt 5 program for BeagleBoard-xM

Lincoln Ramsay a1291762 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 01:19:01 CET 2012

On 21/11/12 18:05, Stephan Kanthak wrote:
> On 11/21/2012 04:53 AM, VStevenP wrote:
>> For now, I set my configure "prefix" to point to a 'staging' 
>> directory.  So the Qt 5 Beta 2 cross-compiled output went there. 
>>  Then, I copied all the needed shared objects from that QT 
>> cross-compile output lib dir and also from the arm toolchain lib dir 
>> into /usr/lib on the micro-SD card.  Then, when I ran my program on 
>> the BB, it resolved all the shared libraries.  Is this how you do it, 
>> too?
> ...
>> The only problem I have right now is that I did not know where to 
>> copy the QPA platform plugins onto the card, so my program can not 
>> detect the eglfs plug-in.
> Qt5 installs them to <staging>/usr/plugins and that's where they end 
> up on the target filesystem, too. The trick is to create a qt.conf in 
> the directory of your final executable (e.g. qmlscene) that points to 
> the base QTDIR. I placed mine into <staging>/usr/bin next to qmlscene:
> [Paths]
> Prefix = /usr/
> All this is most likely documented somewhere, but I found out a bit by 
> trial and error :-).

The "correct" way is to build Qt with -prefix /usr and run make install 

Note that you won't get a useful SDK from this though (ie. you can't 
build against a Qt that's not located in its prefix).

If you need a Qt SDK that can run from <staging> and is deployed to /usr 
then qt.conf or a binary patch on the paths in libQtCore.so are your 


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