[Interest] Post-doc research position at INRA/AgroParisTech (France) to work on a model using Qt

Antonello Lobianco antonello at lobianco.org
Mon Oct 15 09:18:05 CEST 2012

I forward the following announcement of a post-doc research position to
work on an economic model that uses the Qt libraries.
Those interested should contact Philippe Delacote (see the announcement).


 *Post-doctoral position:*

*The long term adequacy in the French Forest Sector Model*

 *Object: *

 The Laboratory of Forest Economics (LEF, an INRA- AgroParisTech research
unit) is seeking a researcher in economics, for a 12 months post-doctoral
position (starting January 2013), to work on the opportunities and risks
under climate change (ORACLE project).

 The objective of this position is to adapt the French Forest Sector Model
(FFSM), in order to consistently describe the long term evolutions of the
forest sector (changes in forest management, investment, adaptation to
climate change) and to run simulations that analyze the adaptation of the
forest sector to climate change.

 The researcher will implement the necessary changes in the model, in
collaboration with the FFSM team. As a part of the modeling team, she/he
will have to work on the adjustments (investment and land-use change
theory), to implement and program them in order for the model to become a
long term projection tool (50-100 years time horizon). Then the researcher
will have to run long term simulations to assess the potential long term
evolution of the French forest sector, as well as the potential forest-
agriculture interactions in term of land use. She/he will be in close
collaboration with researchers working on the impact of climate change on
timber species productivity and probability of presence (from LERFOB,
INRA-AgroParisTech research unit).

 *Context: *

 FFSM is composed of two interconnected modules: an economic module which
represents forest sector in a partial equilibrium framework and a resource
module that describes forest resource dynamics. So far, the model is
consistent to model the forest sector's evolutions in the relatively short
run (15-20 years time horizon) and it has been used to simulate the impacts
of climatic and energy public policies on the forest sector. A new module
of forest management, including long term investment decisions is actually
being built and constitutes the main adjustment of FFSM for long term

 *Required skills:* modeling and mathematical optimization, knowledge in
economics, C++ and modeling tools, knowledge in forest sector (preferably),
team work, multi-disciplinary work, French and/or English language.

 *FFSM outputs: *

 Sauquet, A., Lecocq, F., Delacote, P., Caurla, S., Barkaoui, A., Garcia,
S. 2011. Estimating Armington elasticities for sawnwood and application to
the French Forest Sector Model. Resource and Energy Economics 33(4):771-781

 Delacote, P., F. Lecocq. 2011. Fuelwood, timber and climate change:
Insights from forest sector modeling–An introduction, Journal of Forest
Economics 17(02):107-109.

 Lecocq F., P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui, A. Sauquet. 2011. Paying
for forest carbon or stimulating fuelwood demand? Insights from the French
Forest Sector Model, Journal of Forest Economics 17(2):157-168.

 Caurla, S., Lecocq, F., Delacote, P. Et Barkoui, A., *"The French Forest
Sector Model: version 1.0. Presentation and theoretical
**"*. Cahiers du LEF N°2010-03.

 Lecocq, F., Caurla, S. Delacote, P., Barkaoui, A. et Sauquet, A.,
of carbon sinks in forest biomass Vs stimulation of timber consumption:
what impacts on the French forest sector?".
du LEF, <http://www.nancy.inra.fr/lef/cahiers_du_lef>* N°2010-02.

 Caurla, S., Lecocq, F., Delacote, P. et Barkaoui, A., *"Fuelwood
Consumption, Uncertainty over Resources and Public Policies: Which Impacts
on the French Forest
*. *Cahiers du LEF <http://www.nancy.inra.fr/lef/cahiers_du_lef>*, N°2009

 *Contact: *

 Philippe Delacote

*pdelacote**@nancy-engref.inra.fr <franck.lecocq at nancy-engref.inra.fr>*

+33 (0)3 83 39 68 53

Antonello Lobianco
INRA, Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière
14 Rue Girardet - 54000 Nancy, France
Tel: +33.652392310
Email: antonello.lobianco at nancy-engref.inra.fr

Antonello Lobianco
INRA, Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière
14 Rue Girardet - 54000 Nancy, France
Tel: +33.652392310
Email: antonello.lobianco at nancy-engref.inra.fr
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