October 2012 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Oct 1 15:38:46 CEST 2012
Ending: Wed Oct 31 23:54:42 CET 2012
Messages: 366
- [Interest] [QTBUG-27554] New Qt 4.8.3 bug: invalid QtCore.vcxproj, MSVC10 error MSB3073
Niels Dekker (Qt-interest)
- [Interest] [QTBUG-27554] New Qt 4.8.3 bug: invalid QtCore.vcxproj, MSVC10 error MSB3073
Niels Dekker (Qt-interest)
- [Interest] Qt5 beta1 windows - can't get device notifications from a QWindow::winId() via RegisterDeviceNotification
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Sergio Ahumada
- [Interest] How to show Qt Quick 2 scene on widget?
Alexander Akulich
- [Interest] How to show Qt Quick 2 scene on widget?
Alexander Akulich
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Kate Alhola
- [Interest] [OT] (sort of) strange things after upgrading the kernel
Francisco Ares
- [Interest] sequential animations on ListView Elements
Jana Aurindam
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Jana Aurindam
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Wolfgang Baron
- [Interest] Protect qml files from changing
Charley Bay
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Charley Bay
- [Interest] Scalability of QTimer or QObject::startTimer
Charley Bay
- [Interest] Which Qt-graphics module to choose when dealing with implementing a Wayland compositor with Qt-Compositor module?
Tim Bienias
- [Interest] Model/View issue: omit model-entities in qml-view
Tim Bienias
- [Interest] Model/View issue: omit model-entities in qml-view
Tim Bienias
- [Interest] sequential animations on ListView Elements
Scott Aron Bloom
- [Interest] [Help]A big problem about accessing database using OCI driver plugin from qt application.
Scott Aron Bloom
- [Interest] [QTBUG-27554] New Qt 4.8.3 bug: invalid QtCore.vcxproj, MSVC10 error MSB3073
Joerg Bornemann
- [Interest] Building Qt for Windows, jom/ibjom versus Qt*.vcxproj files (Was: [QTBUG-27554]...)
Joerg Bornemann
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Sergey Borovkov
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
Daniel Bowen
- [Interest] New Wayland compositor made with QtCompositor
Donald Carr
- [Interest] What is the correct way of removing UI elements with code ?
Nikos Chantziaras
- [Interest] Representing to-many relationships in property system?
Nikos Chantziaras
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Nikos Chantziaras
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Nikos Chantziaras
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Nikos Chantziaras
- [Interest] Re-ordering items in QListWidget by drag-and-drop
Stephen Chu
- [Interest] Re-ordering items in QListWidget by drag-and-drop
Stephen Chu
- [Interest] Re-ordering items in QListWidget by drag-and-drop
Stephen Chu
- [Interest] Can't get menu with QWidgetAction to close after click! (Mac OS 10.6.8, Qt 4.8.3)
Stephen Chu
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Stephen Chu
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Carel Combrink
- [Interest] sequential animations on ListView Elements
Bill Crocker
- [Interest] Spell checking.
Bill Crocker
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Attila Csipa
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Attila Csipa
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Attila Csipa
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sascha Cunz
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sascha Cunz
- [Interest] Fwd: how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sascha Cunz
- [Interest] Send signal from non-GUI thread
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] Fwd: how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] Fwd: how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] Fwd: how to run 21 threads concurrently
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] Is this snippet correct- concurrent run
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] Is this snippet correct- concurrent run
Sujan Dasmahapatra
- [Interest] Is QMfcApp still working ?
Eichbaum, Uwe
- [Interest] Is QMfcApp still working ?
Volker Enderlein
- [Interest] Object-based paint/update in Qt/PyQt4
Zsolt Ero
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Alan Ezust
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Alan Ezust
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Alan Ezust
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Alan Ezust
- [Interest] Why we have to remove Qt3D in Qt5.0 release?
Alan Ezust
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Andrea Franceschini
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Andrea Franceschini
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Andrea Franceschini
- [Interest] Adding objects in QML and scrolling it
K. Frank
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
K. Frank
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
K. Frank
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
K. Frank
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
K. Frank
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
K. Frank
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsLow,
K. Frank
- [Interest] Is this snippet correct- concurrent run
Christian Gagneraud
- [Interest] how to highlight a custome button on key down
Satya Praveen Ganapathi
- [Interest] Trackpad event handing in QtQuick 2
Satya Praveen Ganapathi
- [Interest] Masking an Item with another Item using ShaderEffect in QtQuick 2
Satya Praveen Ganapathi
- [Interest] Queries regarding opacity in NumberAnimation using QML and QDeclarative
Satya Praveen Ganapathi
- [Interest] Qt/Qml - Sample GLShaderProgram with animation on uPosition
Satya Praveen Ganapathi
- [Interest] Unable to use QAbstractListModel with Pathview
Satya Praveen Ganapathi
- [Interest] Listview keeping highlight constant
Satya Praveen Ganapathi
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Graeme Gill
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
Graeme Gill
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Francisco Gonzalez
- [Interest] autosave on OSX
Peter Groen
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Diego Iastrubni
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Michael Jackson
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Michael Jackson
- [Interest] QTimer system goes down?
Hugo Drumond Jacob
- [Interest] QTimer system goes down?
Hugo Drumond Jacob
- [Interest] QCombox::currentIndexChanged(QString) emitted twice?
Eckhard Jokisch
- [Interest] QTcpServer memory usage
Joseph W Joshua
- [Interest] Getting a hostname given the IP Address
Joseph W Joshua
- [Interest] Getting a hostname given the IP Address
Joseph W Joshua
- [Interest] qt5: deprecated QAbstractItemModel::reset()
Christian Kandeler
- [Interest] QMessageBox::critical VS custom: discrepancies
Christian Kandeler
- [Interest] Never ending thread: blocking GUI
Tibold Kandrai
- [Interest] Never ending thread: blocking GUI
Tibold Kandrai
- [Interest] qt5: deprecated QAbstractItemModel::reset()
Stephen Kelly
- [Interest] qt5: deprecated QAbstractItemModel::reset()
Stephen Kelly
- [Interest] Send signal from non-GUI thread
- [Interest] [OT] Photomarathon - call for votes (very desperate)
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Object-based paint/update in Qt/PyQt4
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] [OT] Re: autosave on OSX
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] [OT] Re: autosave on OSX
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsLow,
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] QSystemTrayIcon tooltip on Vista+
Stanislav Kolář
- [Interest] QCombox::currentIndexChanged(QString) emitted twice?
Danny Koppel
- [Interest] QCombox::currentIndexChanged(QString) emitted twice?
Danny Koppel
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Syam Krishnan
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Syam Krishnan
- [Interest] Aligning QProgressBar inside a QSplashScreen
Jan Kundrát
- [Interest] Aligning QProgressBar inside a QSplashScreen
Jan Kundrát
- [Interest] qt5: deprecated QAbstractItemModel::reset()
Jan Kundrát
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Jan Kundrát
- [Interest] qt5: deprecated QAbstractItemModel::reset()
Jan Kundrát
- [Interest] sequential animations on ListView Elements
Jan Kundrát
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Jan Kundrát
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Jan Kundrát
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Jan Kundrát
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Jan Kundrát
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Knoll Lars
- [Interest] How to #include <QMacPasteboardMime> using Qt 5
Adam Light
- [Interest] How to #include <QMacPasteboardMime> using Qt 5
Adam Light
- [Interest] Why we have to remove Qt3D in Qt5.0 release?
- [Interest] Why we have to remove Qt3D in Qt5.0 release?
- [Interest] Post-doc research position at INRA/AgroParisTech (France) to work on a model using Qt
Antonello Lobianco
- [Interest] New Wayland compositor made with QtCompositor
Pier Luigi
- [Interest] need outrow animation for individual list element, without using timer
- [Interest] QTimer system goes down?
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Aligning QProgressBar inside a QSplashScreen
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Aligning QProgressBar inside a QSplashScreen
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Fwd: how to run 21 threads concurrently
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Protect qml files from changing
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] [OT] (sort of) strange things after upgrading the kernel
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] How to #include <QMacPasteboardMime> using Qt 5
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] How to #include <QMacPasteboardMime> using Qt 5
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Qt5 beta1 windows - can't get device notifications from a QWindow::winId() via RegisterDeviceNotification
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] QTcpServer memory usage
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Getting a hostname given the IP Address
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsLow,
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsLow,
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Current status of the co-installation
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Current status of the co-installation
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Why we have to remove Qt3D in Qt5.0 release?
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] '__fastcall' incompatible with the '/clr'
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] QTextStream: output representation of floating point number with exactly n digits
Rui Maciel
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Constantin Makshin
- [Interest] Getting a hostname given the IP Address
Constantin Makshin
- [Interest] Aligning QProgressBar inside a QSplashScreen
Alex Malyushytskyy
- [Interest] Aligning QProgressBar inside a QSplashScreen
Alex Malyushytskyy
- [Interest] Aligning QProgressBar inside a QSplashScreen
Alex Malyushytskyy
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Alex Malyushytskyy
- [Interest] QTextStream: output representation of floating point number with exactly n digits
Alex Malyushytskyy
- [Interest] Can't get menu with QWidgetAction to close after click! (Mac OS 10.6.8, Qt 4.8.3)
Alex Malyushytskyy
- [Interest] Can't get menu with QWidgetAction to close after click! (Mac OS 10.6.8, Qt 4.8.3)
Alex Malyushytskyy
- [Interest] Spell checking.
Alex Malyushytskyy
- [Interest] Adding objects in QML and scrolling it
- [Interest] Adding objects in QML and scrolling it
- [Interest] Exception during ASCII cast on windows
Frédéric Martinsons
- [Interest] Exception during ASCII cast on windows
Frédéric Martinsons
- [Interest] How to know bindTexture failure
Calogero Mauceri
- [Interest] How to know bindTexture failure
Calogero Mauceri
- [Interest] How to know bindTexture failure
Calogero Mauceri
- [Interest] How to know bindTexture failure
Calogero Mauceri
- [Interest] How to know bindTexture failure
Calogero Mauceri
- [Interest] [QTBUG-27554] New Qt 4.8.3 bug: invalid QtCore.vcxproj, MSVC10 error MSB3073
Kalinowski Maurice
- [Interest] [QTBUG-27554] New Qt 4.8.3 bug: invalid QtCore.vcxproj, MSVC10 error MSB3073
Kalinowski Maurice
- [Interest] What is the correct way of removing UI elements with code ?
Patryk Małek
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
Thomas McGuire
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Thomas McGuire
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
Thomas McGuire
- [Interest] Why we have to remove Qt3D in Qt5.0 release?
Morgan McKenzie
- [Interest] Custom QAbstractItemView (or similar) to display specific QModelIndex
Pierre-Étienne Messier
- [Interest] Delegate editor background when editing
Pierre-Étienne Messier
- [Interest] Custom QAbstractItemView (or similar) to display specific QModelIndex
Pierre-Étienne Messier
- [Interest] [OT] Re: autosave on OSX
Raul Metsma
- [Interest] Representing to-many relationships in property system?
Chris Meyer
- [Interest] Representing to-many relationships in property system?
Chris Meyer
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Chris Meyer
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Chris Meyer
- [Interest] Never ending thread: blocking GUI
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] Never ending thread: blocking GUI
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] Unable to use QAbstractListModel with Pathview
- [Interest] Aligning QProgressBar inside a QSplashScreen
Sean Nall
- [Interest] QCombox::currentIndexChanged(QString) emitted twice?
Andreas Pakulat
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Harri Pasanen
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Harri Pasanen
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Matilainen Pasi
- [Interest] Representing to-many relationships in property system?
Aleix Pol
- [Interest] Why we have to remove Qt3D in Qt5.0 release?
Lorn Potter
- [Interest] Why we have to remove Qt3D in Qt5.0 release?
Lorn Potter
- [Interest] Scalability of QTimer or QObject::startTimer
- [Interest] Scalability of QTimer or QObject::startTimer
- [Interest] QCombobox - resize list view to horizontal contents
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Prevent drag-selection in QTreeView
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Qt 5 and Mac App Store
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Daniel Price
- [Interest] autosave on OSX
Daniel Price
- [Interest] autosave on OSX
Daniel Price
- [Interest] Good Day My Partner,
Philippe Price
- [Interest] Can't get menu with QWidgetAction to close after click! (Mac OS 10.6.8, Qt 4.8.3)
Jim Prouty
- [Interest] Can't get menu with QWidgetAction to close after click! (Mac OS 10.6.8, Qt 4.8.3)
Jim Prouty
- [Interest] Can't get menu with QWidgetAction to close after click! (Mac OS 10.6.8, Qt 4.8.3)
Jim Prouty
- [Interest] [Qt-interest] important:qt connect mssql on linux
Jordi Pujol
- [Interest] FOSDEM CrossDesktop DevRoom 2013 - Call for Talks
Pau Garcia i Quiles
- [Interest] listview in qml
- [Interest] QML ListView Transition/Animation when changing CurrentIndex
- [Interest] sequential animations on ListView Elements
- [Interest] sequential animations on ListView Elements
- [Interest] QtQuick components in Qt Quick 2
- [Interest] Never ending thread: blocking GUI
Lincoln Ramsay
- [Interest] Never ending thread: blocking GUI
Lincoln Ramsay
- [Interest] autosave on OSX
Lincoln Ramsay
- [Interest] autosave on OSX
Lincoln Ramsay
- [Interest] [Help]A big problem about accessing database using OCI driver plugin from qt application.
Lincoln Ramsay
- [Interest] [Help]A big problem about accessing database using OCI driver plugin from qt application.
Lincoln Ramsay
- [Interest] Re-ordering items in QListWidget by drag-and-drop
R. Reucher
- [Interest] Re-ordering items in QListWidget by drag-and-drop
R. Reucher
- [Interest] Mac OS X / QTreeWidget::itemActivated() not triggered on Enter/Return?
R. Reucher
- [Interest] Mac OS X / QTreeWidget::itemActivated() not triggered on Enter/Return?
R. Reucher
- [Interest] Is Qt Library for OS X frameworks only?
R. Reucher
- [Interest] Re-ordering items in QListWidget by drag-and-drop
Tony Rietwyk
- [Interest] QCombox::currentIndexChanged(QString) emitted twice?
Tony Rietwyk
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Karl Ruetz
- [Interest] How to show Qt Quick 2 scene on widget?
Samuel Rødal
- [Interest] How to show Qt Quick 2 scene on widget?
Samuel Rødal
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Samuel Rødal
- [Interest] How to know bindTexture failure
Samuel Rødal
- [Interest] How to know bindTexture failure
Samuel Rødal
- [Interest] How to know bindTexture failure
Samuel Rødal
- [Interest] How to know bindTexture failure
Samuel Rødal
- [Interest] Which Qt-graphics module to choose when dealing with implementing a Wayland compositor with Qt-Compositor module?
Samuel Rødal
- [Interest] QML animation flicker
Samuel Rødal
- [Interest] QML animation flicker
Samuel Rødal
- [Interest] QML animation flicker
Samuel Rødal
- [Interest] Aligning QProgressBar inside a QSplashScreen
Mandeep Sandhu
- [Interest] Never ending thread: blocking GUI
Atlant Schmidt
- [Interest] Scalability of QTimer or QObject::startTimer
Atlant Schmidt
- [Interest] QMessageBox::critical VS custom: discrepancies
- [Interest] QMessageBox::critical VS custom: discrepancies
- [Interest] Never ending thread: blocking GUI
- [Interest] Never ending thread: blocking GUI
- [Interest] QML animation flicker
Thomas Senyk
- [Interest] QML animation flicker
Jarno Seppänen
- [Interest] QML animation flicker
Jarno Seppänen
- [Interest] QML animation flicker
Jarno Seppänen
- [Interest] QML animation flicker
Jarno Seppänen
- [Interest] How to show Qt Quick 2 scene on widget?
Oleg Shparber
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Tomasz Siekierda
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
André Somers
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
André Somers
- [Interest] Never ending thread: blocking GUI
André Somers
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsHi,
André Somers
- [Interest] Model/View issue: omit model-entities in qml-view
André Somers
- [Interest] Qt5, QtMobility API: Qt Service Framework
Andrew Stanley-Jones
- [Interest] Qt5 beta1 windows - can't get device notifications from a QWindow::winId() via RegisterDeviceNotification
Liam Staskawicz
- [Interest] Qt5 beta1 windows - can't get device notifications from a QWindow::winId() via RegisterDeviceNotification
Liam Staskawicz
- [Interest] Help building qt5 from beta/git
Jeremy Swigart
- [Interest] listview in qml
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] how to run 21 threads concurrently
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Send signal from non-GUI thread
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Adding objects in QML and scrolling it
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] how to highlight a custome button on key down
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] What is the correct way of removing UI elements with code ?
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Future of Qt Opensource SDK?
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] QTcpServer memory usage
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Never ending thread: blocking GUI
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Listview keeping highlight constant
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Scalability of QTimer or QObject::startTimer
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsLow,
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] What happened to qteclipse
Todor Todorov
- [Interest] Is there any C++ libs for formatting HTML code?
Miha Wagner
- [Interest] [Help]A big problem about accessing database using OCI driver plugin from qt application.
Xiaognag Wang
- [Interest] [Help]A big problem about accessing database using OCI driver plugin from qt application.
Xiaognag Wang
- [Interest] [Help]A big problem about accessing database using OCI driver plugin from qt application.
Xiaognag Wang
- [Interest] [OT] Re: autosave on OSX
John Weeks
- [Interest] [OT] Re: autosave on OSX
John Weeks
- [Interest] Getting a hostname given the IP Address
Dan White
- [Interest] Getting a hostname given the IP Address
Rainer Wiesenfarth
- [Interest] QWidget doesn't show on Qt5 and eglfs plugin
William Zeng
- [Interest] QTcpServer memory usage
Lucas.Betschart at crypto.ch
- [Interest] QTcpServer memory usage
Lucas.Betschart at crypto.ch
- [Interest] QML, QtWebkit, Qt5 and settings problem
marek at cyberdeus.pl
- [Interest] Z Fighting issue with transparent window ontop of an OpenGL Application
d1 d2
- [Interest] QTextStream: output representation of floating point number with exactly n digits
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two Backends
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsLow,
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsLow,
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsLow,
- [Interest] Heavily Commented Example: Simple Single Frontend with Two BackendsLow,
- [Interest] '__fastcall' incompatible with the '/clr'
alexander golks
- [Interest] Building Qt for Windows, jom/ibjom versus Qt*.vcxproj files (Was: [QTBUG-27554]...)
Niels Dekker (Qt interest)
- [Interest] qt-everywhere need license?
Qt maillist
- [Interest] [Development] important:qt connect mssql on linux
- [Interest] [Qt-interest] important:qt connect mssql on linux
- [Interest] [Qt-interest] qt connect mssql on linux
- [Interest] Is QMfcApp still working ?
ynon perek
- [Interest] qt4.8.3 on mac IMKInputSession activate
- [Interest] Is QMfcApp still working ?
- [Interest] QtWinMigrate and QThread event loop (4.8.3)
Douglas.Lee at teledynelecroy.com
- [Interest] Adding objects in QML and scrolling it
Николай Шатохин
- [Interest] Disconnecting signals when object destroyed
Николай Шатохин
- [Interest] Protect qml files from changing
Николай Шатохин
- [Interest] Is there any C++ libs for formatting HTML code?
- [Interest] Is there any C++ libs for formatting HTML code?
Last message date:
Wed Oct 31 23:54:42 CET 2012
Archived on: Sun Sep 29 11:12:04 CEST 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).