[Interest] [Qt5 Beta] qmake: *.ui files not generated (uic not called)?

Till Oliver Knoll till.oliver.knoll at gmail.com
Sat Sep 1 11:51:35 CEST 2012


I just installed the Qt 5 beta yesterday on my Mac and am in the process 
to upgrade my application.

1. Is this the proper place to discuss Qt 5 issues (from a user's 

2. Has there anything changed with regards when uic is to be called from 
the generated Makefile?

I had to uninstall the previous Qt 4.8.2, otherwise Qt headers would be 
picked up from /Library/Frameworks/WhoKnows/Qt - so conflicting Qt 
installations should not be a problem, I hope (I still have the Qt SDK 
with Qt 4.8.1 installed, but that one is in my home directory and should 
definitively not be in the standard include paths).

I did a "make distclean; qmake -r; make". The moc_files are 
re-generated, but not my *.ui files. They are defined in my *.pro/*.pri 
files like

   FORMS += $$PWD/ui/FooDialog.ui \

(that black-magic "macro" $$PWD works for everything else - could that 
be the problem?)

Do I have to specify anything special in the CONFIG? I only include the 
generated "ui_FooDialog.h" headers in my implementation *.cpp files 
(Google told me that if those headers are not #include'd that uic won't 
bother generating them - is that true?).

Thanks, Oliver

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