[Interest] Interest Digest, Vol 19, Issue 41
Justin Ferguson
jnferguson at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 04:11:35 CEST 2013
I can second total view; also a decent unix ide is "visual slickedit".. not
that id encourage such things but both are easy to crack with a LD_PRELOAD
of gettimeofday () iirc (holds true with basically all unix for-profit
On Apr 10, 2013 9:05 PM, "Alex Malyushytskyy" <alexmalvtk at gmail.com> wrote:
> Danny,
> I have not tried LLDB and I am not sure it will support all languages we
> need, but TotalView (debugger we were using on Linux) which is providing
> close to VS features for debugging (but decently support multi-threading
> debugging) cost 3 times more than VS Professional Edition (not upgrade
> which is cheaper ).
> I work with VS2005, 2008 and 2010 on a daily basis. I do not remember a
> single crash. But each software has bugs.
> We are not talking about bugs right now.
> I could keep talking about features I prefer in VS, could try to show you
> that environment for development on Linux and Windows would cost you about
> the same if you want a comparable decent features as far as I see them:
> - compiler
> - debugger
> - memory management tool
> - source control ( we actually do not use Microsoft solution for such
> purpose )
> Something Linux/Windows has out of the box, something does not.
> If you do not mind to download software these days you can get a decent
> development environment for free.
> I would prefer to have Valgrind on Windows, but absence of its version on
> Windows was not a valid reason to consider Windows a bad platform for
> development.
> I think that if you pay money you can get better development environment
> on Windows.
> For comparable money you can get similar environment on Windows and Linux.
> And cost of such environment will be cheaper then on Mac (satisfied? :) )
> I once considered to try my skills there and when I calculatex expected
> cost I decided I could live without it.
> Finally, if you do a serious development you can't avoid
> developing/debugging/profiling on the platform you going to deliver.
> Even if you use cross-platform tools like Qt, platform differences did not
> magically disappear, they are just hidden,
> So even if you do not like platform, you will have to deal with it, if you
> want Qt to be on it.
> You have more problems on Windows and are less efficient on Linux?
> Ok, I am more efficient on Windows. It may or may not change in the future.
> Does it make any platform of any of us bad or good?
> I do not think so, even if you are in the most tasks better than me, I bet
> there some when I am better.
> The same can be said about platform.
> We are just different.
> I wish I've spent time writing this response with my family ....
> Best regards and good night,
> Alex
> On Wed, Apr 10, 2013 at 6:48 PM, Michael Jackson <imikejackson at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Apr 10, 2013, at 8:23 PM, Danny Price <deepblue842 at googlemail.com>
>> wrote:
>> > The one thing that VS does well is debugging but that's changing now
>> thanks to LLDB.
>> And when will QtCreator support LLDB? I would love to be able to actually
>> debug vectors, maps, sets, QString on OS X. Saves me the trip to Visual
>> Studio.
>> MJ.
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