[Interest] Something funny. QAccelerometer

Constantin Makshin cmakshin at gmail.com
Thu Dec 19 19:21:28 CET 2013

AFAIR, simulator's primary (available out of the box at least) "pseudo
environments" were Symbian and Maemo 5. With both systems being in zombie
state even at the time of Qt ownership transfer, there's a chance that
Nokia didn't see any benefits in keeping the project and decided not to
give it to Digia. I'm not even sure simulator's code was open-source like
the rest of Qt-related stuff.

It'd be rather sad if the tool is really gone because it gave the
opportunity to test [some] mobile-specific things without the inconvenience
of debugging the application on real devices or in emulators.
On Dec 19, 2013 3:19 PM, "Alejandro Exojo" <aexojo at modpow.es> wrote:

> 2013/12/16 Guido Seifert <wargand at gmx.de>:
> > I am wondering... how do I test the QAccelerometer? By throwing my
> desktop machine out
> > of the window? ;-)
> On a more serious note:
> The Qt Simulator was able to change the values returned by some of
> those classes, even in a scripted way. For the accelerometers you
> might use a desk with wheels, but you will not be that lucky with the
> positioning API for example. :)
> Anyone knows what happened to this tool? I think not everything was
> transfered from Nokia to Digia, or maybe it was discarded by some
> reason. Or simply lack of manpower to maintain it.
> --
> Alejandro Exojo Piqueras
> ModpoW, S.L.
> Technova LaSalle | Sant Joan de la Salle 42 | 08022 Barcelona |
> www.modpow.es
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