[Interest] Can I Build Qt5.2 with /MT (/MTd) Options on Windows?

Till Oliver Knoll till.oliver.knoll at gmail.com
Tue Dec 31 19:59:00 CET 2013

Am 31.12.2013 um 18:14 schrieb Joe Liu <passer.by007gg at gmail.com>:

> Hi,
> I am new to this community,

Welcome. :)

> I wish to compile Qt5.2 with /MT (multi-threaded) option (vc2010), 

I've never played myself with that, but AFAIK all compiler/linker settings are in so-called "qmake specification" files, located in some subfolder of your Qt source directory. But I would not be surprised if the /MT switch was not already set in the "MSVC2010" (?) spec file.

After changing the corresponding configuration do not forget to also remove the .qmake.cache (?) file before re-running qmake again.

Btw the actual qmakespec file is chosen according to the env variable QMAKESPEC (if not set then some reasonable default is picked, I assume).

All that knowledge is sketchy and based upon when I last compiled Qt 4.x myself, but it should still sort of work that way.

Google for QMAKESPEC otherwise.

Happy New Year,

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