[Interest] Target machine not set in projects generated by qmake for Visual Studio

Tony Rietwyk tony at rightsoft.com.au
Tue Jun 4 03:30:27 CEST 2013

Thanks Ben, that was the clue I was looking for.  


> Hi Tony,
> This is how I modified the .pro files of my projects:
> win32 {
>   contains(QMAKE_HOST.arch, x86_64) {
>     QMAKE_LFLAGS         += /MACHINE:X64
>   } else {
>     QMAKE_LFLAGS         += /MACHINE:X86
>   }
> }
> IIRC this selects X64 if you run Windows 64 bit. You would have to omit
> check if you only want 32 bit builds now. I don't know how you select this
> setting depending on the Qt libraries you use for a given build.
> Hope it helps,
> 	Ben

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