[Interest] use custom fragment shader for Quick2 Image item

Sean Harmer sh at theharmers.co.uk
Tue Oct 22 18:57:30 CEST 2013

The shader code is hard-wired into the relevant material in the 
qtdeclarative module and there is no way to replace it at present (that 
I know of) apart from altering the source and building a customised 
version. Maybe Gunnar knows of way?

Another option would be to write yourself a custom material using the SG 
API and assigning that to a specialised CustomImage item.

I agree that in some cases such a feature would indeed be useful to 
avoid having to do this.



On 22/10/2013 14:20, Ola Røer Thorsen wrote:
> Hi all,
> I want to use a custom fragment shader when rendering a Image item. Is 
> it possible to set the shader to use directly somehow? That is, I want 
> to use a custom shader instead of the "passthrough" fragment shader 
> used in the Image element.
> I have tried using the QtGraphicalEffects (GammaAdjust), but the 
> performance is not good enough on my target platform (Omap 3530). 
> ShaderEffect elements work, but they also seem to render via another 
> render-texture, again with a performance loss.
> Best regards,
> Ola
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