[Interest] Process for building Qt on windows 64bit

Scott Aron Bloom scott.bloom at onshorecs.com
Wed Sep 25 01:31:54 CEST 2013

Thanks!!  Hopefully it will work as easy as you say... Then there are about 5-6 OTHER third party libraries I have to deal with :(


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Jackson [mailto:imikejackson at gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 24, 2013 4:32 PM
To: Scott Aron Bloom
Subject: Re: [Interest] Process for building Qt on windows 64bit

Do the same thing but from a "Visual Studio x64 Command Prompt" instead. This will yield a 64 bit build. 

MAKE SURE YOU ARE RUNNING AT LEAST THE FIRST SERVICE PACK OF WHAT EVER VISUAL STUDIO. There are known 64 bit compiler bugs in all the initial Visual Studio releases that are solved with the Service Pack updates.

Hope that helps.
Mike Jackson

On Sep 24, 2013, at 7:04 PM, Scott Aron Bloom <Scott.Bloom at onshorecs.com> wrote:

> Im on qt 4.8.4 (cant move to 5.x at the company yet) and I a request from a customer for a 64 bit windows release.
> The first step, will be building Qt under 64 bit.
> Does anyone have a "this is what I do" sheet?
> My 32bit flow, is simple, unzip, run configure, build it inside visual 
> studio using the following switches -debug-and-release -opensource 
> -shared -stl -platform
> win32-msvc2008
> -vcproj
> -qt-libpng
> -qt-zlib
> -qt-libjpeg
> -qt-zlib
> -openssl -I c:/Qt/openssl-0.9.8o/inc32 -L 
> c:/Qt/openssl-0.9.8o/out32dll -no-qt3support -nomake demos -nomake 
> examples -no-phonon -no-phonon-backend -qt-sql-sqlite -qt-sql-odbc
> And walla...
> Is it simply a matter of changing what Visual Studio path is set?
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Scott
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