[Interest] Custom layouts

Tony Rietwyk tony at rightsoft.com.au
Tue Aug 5 08:32:17 CEST 2014

Hi Igor, 


Your problem makes sense.  Hiding and showing widgets triggers a layout
recalculation, and the layout uses setGeometry to position the widgets.   It
sounds unusual to change widget visibility in a setGeometry override.   I
suggest to use a flag to prevent the recursion yourself.  







Sent: Tuesday, 5 August 2014 4:14 PM



I found that if in setGeometry() method call hide() or show() on widgets
inside layout then this leads to recursion of layout.


What do you think on this problem? May be it is good suggestion to Qt
developers to remove this recursion, because of it is sometimes useful to
hide some widgets in layout for this or that reason?!


Thank you.

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