[Interest] Best way to build Qt5 distribution for internal development

Michael Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 16:39:55 CEST 2014

In the past I have provided my developers with a custom build of Qt 4.8.x for their VS version (2010, 2012, 2013) all 64 bit versions. This was done via a combination of a self compile and creating an installer using the Qt Installer Framework. The basics are this:

Pick a directory, say c:/Developer/x64
Unzip qt-everywhere-4.8.6.zip (or what ever the name is) to that folder.
Open a Visual Studio x64 command prompt.
cd into the unzipped folder.
run the configure command to build Qt "in place".

Use some shell commands to remove most of the .obj/.pdb and some other files that are not needed from the build directory.

Jump over to my QtIFW script and generate my installer into compressed .exe file. This all worked great on all 3 of the Visual Studio Versions that we use. 

We are wanting to make the jump to Qt5 and leave behind Qt4. I am attempting this same type of "internal distribution" scheme again but am having trouble getting the build to work correctly. I have installed a python distribution (Enthought Canopy) and Active Perl as required for the build. I downloaded an unzipped the source zip file from the qt-project.org web site.

I am using the following to configure through a "Visual Studio 2013 x64 Command Prompt"
configure -opensource -confirm-license -shared -debug-and-release -prefix C:/Developer/x64/Qt-5.3.1-x64 -skip webkit -platform win32-msvc2013

After that is complete I then use "jom" to build Qt5. I am thinking that "jom install" is not going to work on windows again. (still waiting for the compile to complete). I guess I am used to looking in Qt-4.8.x/bin/ and seeing everything in there such as QAssistant, QDesigner and stuff like that. Not sure where to go find all of this now. Our projects are also CMake based so I am not sure if what I am building is going to work or not.

If anyone has any advice on how to recreate my installers I would be very grateful.


Mike Jackson
imikejackson & gmail * com

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