[Interest] Adding QML code from C++ at runtime

Alexander Syvak alexander.svk at gmail.com
Thu Dec 4 14:04:14 CET 2014


here's the code attached to the e-mail.

In the method woman::add_hip() I need to add a button which refers to
existing QML objects in main.qml.

In main.cpp the context and window are set to a global variable which is
accessed in the method woman::add_hip().

However, after instantiating the button in the context (which is a global
variable) there're errors

<Unknown File>: QML Button: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or

<Unknown File>: QML Button: Cannot anchor to an item that isn't a parent or

<Unknown File>: Unable to assign QQuickWindowQmlImpl to QQuickItem

How to achieve valid referencing from a dynamically created component in
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