[Interest] Q_PROPERTY, Subclass and calling SuperClasses signal

Michael Jackson imikejackson at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 17:31:51 CET 2014

On Feb 27, 2014, at 11:24 AM, Michael Jackson <imikejackson at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to make sure I truly understand the Signals/Slots mechanism because this once has me a bit stumped. I _think_ what I am trying is legal but maybe not. Best is an example:
> class A : public QObject {
> ….
> signals:
>    void parametersChanged();
> ….
> };
> class AlignSectionsFeatureCentroid : public A {
> public:
>   void set ReferenceSlice(int value) { emit parametersChanged(); }
>   int get ReferenceSlice();
>   Q_PROPERTY(int ReferenceSlice READ get ReferenceSlice WRITE set ReferenceSlice NOTIFY parametersChanged)
> ….
> };
> when I compile this I get a compile error similar to this (error taken straight from my project)
> SectionsFeatureCentroid.h:118: Error: NOTIFY signal 'parametersChanged' of property 'ReferenceSlice' does not exist in class AlignSectionsFeatureCentroid.
> AUTOMOC: error: process for moc_AlignSectionsFeatureCentroid.cpp failed:
> AlignSectionsFeatureCentroid.h:118: Error: NOTIFY signal 'parametersChanged' of property 'ReferenceSlice' does not exist in class AlignSectionsFeatureCentroid.
> But if I define the signals in the subclass then at runtime I get a warning about the subclass over riding the superclass's signals.
> What is the correct answer here?
> Thanks
> Mike Jackson
> dream3d.bluequartz.net

Post too fast. This at least verified what I am trying is legal:


So it seems that moc can not support something that is perfectly legal to do?

Does Qt 5.2 have this issue?
Mike Jackson

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