[Interest] libeay32.dll - The Ordinal 4369 could not be located

Soroush Rabiei soroush.rabiei at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 11:57:54 CET 2014

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Phil Hannent <phil at hannent.co.uk> wrote:

> Good morning,
> I have a small issue with a MinGW Qt 5.2.0 application. On a users
> computer when they start the application they get a warning dialog
> about libeay32.dll. On test machines and developer machines we've not
> see this error.
> However when I locate that file on my computer and find it being used
> by another application, I then copy it to the application folder I
> then get the error. This indicates that the user has the DLL in their
> PATH variable.
> My issue is how can I get around this? I cannot remove the other
> applications installation, however I did wonder if I can put a version
> beside my application so that it gets picked first, one that works
> every time. However Qt doesn't seem to bundle the DLL itself, so I
> wouldn't know what to use.
> Has anybody else run into this DLL hell?
> Regards
> Phil Hannent

Hi Phil

libeay32.dll belongs to OpenSSL library. I think you have to find which DLL
your code links against and copy it beside your application. That will fix
all (except legal possible issues). You can use dependency walk to find it.
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