[Interest] libeay32.dll - The Ordinal 4369 could not be located

Koehne Kai Kai.Koehne at digia.com
Fri Jan 24 14:22:50 CET 2014

>> On 24 January 2014 12:20, Phil Hannent <phil at hannent.co.uk> wrote:
>>> However could you explain how QtWebkit is able to view https pages 
>>> when the libeasy32.dll is not in my path or next to the application?
>> It must be located in one of the many locations that are searched. On 
>> linux I'd suggest you use strace to check where you're actually 
>> getting it from, I'm not sure of the best equivalent on windows though 
>> this tool from sysinternals might work.
>> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/sysinternals/bb896656
>'d suggest Process Monitor instead:

Well, _actually_ I think dependency walker (depends.exe) is ideal for the task at hand :) Just load the .exe, and start monitoring what it's doing via 'Profile->Start Profiling...'. It'll list (among other things) exactly which dlls it's pulling in, from where.

Kind regards


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