[Interest] Simple UDP listener question
Robert Wood
robert.wood at apostrophe.co.uk
Wed Jul 2 15:39:58 CEST 2014
Just for the sake of preventing someone banging their head against a
brick wall for ages in the future, this turned out to be the fact that
some of the returning UDP packets were being picket up by the *sending*
socket. If I only open one socket, both sending and receiving on it, the
whole thing works a treat. Or, of course, if I have a second
processPendingDatagrams type function that listens for incoming packets
on the "sending" socket.
I suspect many people haven't come across this before because, I guess,
normally, you don't send and receive on the same port. Artnet specifies
you have to and so this issue raises its ugly head.
On 23/06/14 13:03, Robert Wood wrote:
> Folks,
> I've managed to get a simple program going that sends out a UDP packet
> to a broadcast address (an Artnet Poll packet) and my embedded software
> is receiving this and sending out a Poll reply. Wireshark confirms that
> my embedded device is sending out the correct response, however, my Qt
> program is not picking up any reply at all. I should say, this is the
> first time I've used Qt for networking and it's my first embedded
> netowrking project, so I may be missing some very basic point.
> I am doing this in MainWindow initialisation:
> udpSocSend = new QUdpSocket(this);
> udpSocRec = new QUdpSocket(this);
> udpSocSend->bind(QHostAddress(""),6454);
> udpSocRec->bind(6454, QUdpSocket::ShareAddress);
> connect(udpSocRec, SIGNAL(readyRead()),this,
> SLOT(processPendingDatagrams()));
> void MainWindow::processPendingDatagrams()
> {
> while (udpSocRec->hasPendingDatagrams())
> {
> QByteArray datagram;
> datagram.resize(udpSocRec->pendingDatagramSize());
> udpSocRec->readDatagram(datagram.data(), datagram.size());
> ui->textEdit->setText(tr("Received datagram:
> \"%1\"").arg(datagram.data()));
> }
> }
> My udpSocSend is working to send data out (an Artnet Poll), my STM32
> (embedded micro) is sending packets back according to Wireshark, but
> processPendingDatagrams() flatly refuses to be called!
> Wireshark shows this in terms of a reply:
> 2475 795.416268000 ARTNET 282 ArtPollReply
> (0x2100)
> The STM32 is at address, my [Linux] Qt machine is
> The data in the datagram looks OK mto me on Wireshark.
> Can anyone see anything I am doing wrong please?
> Thanks!
> Rob
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