[Interest] Input devices auto detection

Константин Уткин kostaui at mail.ru
Fri Jul 25 04:21:06 CEST 2014


I’m using Qt 5.2.1 on embedded platform (based on TI DM3730, if it makes any sense).

I can plug any usb input devices and use them in my Qt apps only when I know exact device name. For example, I can call app: 

> . /myapp  -plugin EvdevMouse:/dev/input/event3 EvdevKeyboard:/dev/input/event6 

But if need to launch app first, then plug  USB  devices in, I have no chances to use these devices.
 So is there any way to solve a problem (in case of  EGLFS) ?

Best regards,
Konstantin Utkin

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